Start Event Name Locations Participants
Mon 6
3:45 pm A.L.L. - Dive into Drama Bradfield Auditorium 2018-19 Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
5:00 pm A.L.L. - Acting and Improv! Bradfield Auditorium 2018-19 Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
6:30 pm A.L.L. - Bridge for Beginners Bradfield Music Room Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Tue 7
8:00 am Hyer - 4th grade Camp Write Along Bradfield Elementary School Bradfield Grade 4
Bradfield Staff
Bradfield Parents
3:15 pm Hyer - KC Club (Community Outreach only) Bradfield Auditorium 2018-19 Bradfield Grade 4
3:30 pm A.L.L. - Mi Cuerpo - Hyer Bradfield Music Room Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
4:00 pm A.L.L. - Drawing and Sketching Bradfield Art Room HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary School
4:00 pm A.L.L. - EV3 Battle-Bots Bradfield Music Room HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary School
4:00 pm A.L.L. - Mad Science (Armstrong) Armstrong Elementary Armstrong Elementary
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary School
6:00 pm A.L.L. - Google Chrome Bradfield Computer Lab HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary School
6:30 pm A.L.L. - Introduction to Competitive Bidding Bradfield Music Room Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Wed 8
7:30 am Hyer - Supply Shop Bradfield Elementary School Bradfield Students
Bradfield Parents
Bradfield PTA
8:00 am Hyer - 4th grade Camp Write Along Bradfield Elementary School Bradfield Grade 4
Bradfield Staff
Bradfield Parents
11:00 am Hyer - 2nd grade Field Trip to DCT Dallas Children's Theater Bradfield Grade 2
3:20 pm A.L.L. - Mi Cuerpo - Bradfield` Bradfield Elementary Bradfield Elementary
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary School
4:00 pm A.L.L. - Mad Science (Hyer) Bradfield Elementary School Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
4:00 pm A.L.L. - Mad Science (UP) University Park Elementary University Park Elementary
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary School
4:30 pm A.L.L. - Karate for Kids Bradfield Gymnasium - C103 Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
6:30 pm A.L.L. - Knitting 101 Bradfield Room C-3 Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Thu 9
All Day Hyer - End of 3rd 9 week grading period Bradfield Elementary School Bradfield Parents
Bradfield Staff
Bradfield Students
8:00 am Hyer - 4th grade Camp Write Along Bradfield Elementary School Bradfield Grade 4
Bradfield Staff
Bradfield Parents
3:00 pm Hyer - 1st grade Daisy Troop 6485 Bradfield Music Room Bradfield Grade 1
Bradfield Parents
3:00 pm Hyer - 1st grade Daisy Troop 6486 Bradfield Art Room Bradfield Grade 1
Bradfield Parents
3:30 pm A.L.L. - Mi Cuerpo - Armstrong Armstrong Room 219 Armstrong Elementary
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary School
3:45 pm A.L.L. - Beginning Chess Bradfield LMC HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary
Bradfield Elementary School
4:00 pm A.L.L. - Minecraft 3D Bradfield Computer Lab HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Bradfield Elementary School
6:30 pm A.L.L. - HP Pottery HPHS WC118 HPHS Facility Services
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Highland Park High School
Bradfield Elementary School
7:00 pm A.L.L. - Mastering Excel HPHS SC202 Computer Class Bradfield Elementary School
HPISD Academy for Lifelong Learning - ALL
Highland Park High School
Fri 10
8:00 am Professional Development Day / Student Holiday University Park Elementary
McCulloch Intermediate School
Bradfield Elementary School
Highland Park Middle School
Highland Park High School
Bradfield Elementary
Armstrong Elementary
UP Teachers KG
UP Teachers Grade 4
UP Teachers Grade 3
UP Teachers Grade 2
UP Teachers Grade 1
UP Teacher Grade 1
UP Staff
UP Parents of New Students
UP Parents of Boys
UP Parents Third Grade
UP Parents Second Grade
UP Parents Kindergarten
UP Parents Fourth Grade
UP Parents First Grade
UP Parents
UP Moms
UP Grade K
UP Grade 4
UP Grade 3
UP Grade 2
UP Grade 1
UP Girls
UP Boys
UP 4th Grade Teachers
HPMS Principal
MIS/HPMS Building Supervisor
MIS/HPMS 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teachers
MIS Student Body
MIS Staff
MIS Parents
MIS Grade 6
MIS Grade 5
MIS Faculty
MIS Department Chairs
MIS 6th Grade Teachers
MIS 6th Grade Students
MIS 6th Grade Parents
MIS 5th Grade Teachers
MIS 5th Grade Students
MIS 5th Grade Parents
Bradfield Students
Bradfield Kindergarten
Bradfield Staff
Bradfield Parents
Bradfield Grade 4
Bradfield Grade 3
Bradfield Grade 2
Bradfield Grade 1
HPMS Students
HPMS Staff
HPMS Parents
HPMS Grade 8
HPMS Grade 7
HPMS Faculty
HPMS 8th Grade Teachers
HPMS 8th Grade Students
HPMS 8th Grade Parents
HPMS 8th Grade
HPMS 7th Grade Teachers
HPMS 7th Grade Students
HPMS 7th Grade Parents
HPMS 7th Grade
HPISD Superintendent Executive Staff
HPISD Superintendent
HPISD Principals
HPISD Food Service
HPISD Communications Department
HPISD Cafeteria Staff
HPISD Board of Trustees
HPISD Administration Staff
HPHS Staff
HPHS Parents
HPHS Grade 9
HPHS Grade 12
HPHS Grade 11
HPHS Grade 10
HPHS Faculty
Bradfield students
Bradfield PPCD
Bradfield Grade K
Bradfield Staff
Bradfield Parents
Bradfield Grade 4
Bradfield Grade 3
Bradfield Grade 2
Bradfield Grade 1
Armstrong classroom teachers
Armstrong Grade K
Armstrong Staff
Armstrong Parents
Armstrong Grade 4
Armstrong Grade 3
Armstrong Grade 2
Armstrong Grade 1
Sat 11  
Sun 12  
Mon 13
8:00 am Spring break for students and staff Armstrong Elementary
Bradfield Elementary
Highland Park High School
Highland Park Middle School
Bradfield Elementary School
McCulloch Intermediate School
University Park Elementary
Armstrong Grade 1
Armstrong Grade 2
Armstrong Grade 3
Armstrong Grade 4
Armstrong Parents
Armstrong Staff
Armstrong Grade K
Armstrong classroom teachers
Bradfield Grade 1
Bradfield Grade 2
Bradfield Grade 3
Bradfield Grade 4
Bradfield Parents
Bradfield Staff
Bradfield Grade K
Bradfield PPCD
Bradfield students
HPHS Faculty
HPHS Grade 10
HPHS Grade 11
HPHS Grade 12
HPHS Grade 9
HPHS Parents
HPHS Staff
HPISD Administration Staff
HPISD Board of Trustees
HPISD Cafeteria Staff
HPISD Communications Department
HPISD Food Service
HPISD Principals
HPISD Superintendent
HPISD Superintendent Executive Staff
HPMS 7th Grade
HPMS 7th Grade Parents
HPMS 7th Grade Students
HPMS 7th Grade Teachers
HPMS 8th Grade
HPMS 8th Grade Parents
HPMS 8th Grade Students
HPMS 8th Grade Teachers
HPMS Faculty
HPMS Grade 7
HPMS Grade 8
HPMS Parents
HPMS Staff
HPMS Students
Bradfield Grade 1
Bradfield Grade 2
Bradfield Grade 3
Bradfield Grade 4
Bradfield Parents
Bradfield Staff
Bradfield Kindergarten
Bradfield Students
MIS 5th Grade Parents
MIS 5th Grade Students
MIS 5th Grade Teachers
MIS 6th Grade Parents
MIS 6th Grade Students
MIS 6th Grade Teachers
MIS Department Chairs
MIS Faculty
MIS Grade 5
MIS Grade 6
MIS Parents
MIS Staff
MIS Student Body
MIS/HPMS 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Teachers
MIS/HPMS Building Supervisor
HPMS Principal
UP 4th Grade Teachers
UP Boys
UP Girls
UP Grade 1
UP Grade 2
UP Grade 3
UP Grade 4
UP Grade K
UP Moms
UP Parents
UP Parents First Grade
UP Parents Fourth Grade
UP Parents Kindergarten
UP Parents Second Grade
UP Parents Third Grade
UP Parents of Boys
UP Parents of New Students
UP Staff
UP Teacher Grade 1
UP Teachers Grade 1
UP Teachers Grade 2
UP Teachers Grade 3
UP Teachers Grade 4
UP Teachers KG